I’m a firm believer in the idea of nurturing the nature of a child in order to maximize potential. However, I didn’t always think this way. Rather, it took researching the concepts of strengths psychology made popular by Don Clifton to convince me. Through this research I became a big fan of the concepts shared […]
One of my favorite blogs to read is called All Pro Dad. Today, they had a post that hit home titled 3 Angry Dad Scenarios That Hurt Your Children. As the father of two boys, I face 2 of the 3 scenarios shared on a regular basis. I addition, I agree with this article in saying […]
Parents are getting regular warnings from researchers about the impact of screen time and video games. There are a number of reports that show video games are harming our kids. As well as reports that show a decrease in screen time is correlated with improved performance in school. And just yesterday I wrote about a new screen time warning from […]