When children are intrinsically motivated they are happier and healthier. Intrinsic motivation is the drive to complete an activity for only the satisfaction gained in doing the activity. This satisfaction comes in the absence of external pressure or reward. Using external pressures and rewards amounts to taking a shortcut. The problem with shortcuts is that […]
History proves that early success in life is never a predictor of long term success. On the contrary, a child who is a high achiever early in life may find it more difficult to achieve long term success than their counterparts. The reason for this is complex. High achieving kids often develop their sense of […]
One of my favorite daily blogs to read is AllProDad.com. I subscribe to their daily email and always look forward to reading their Play of the Day. In today’s “play” they shared some stunning stats on fatherless homes that made my jaw drop. 80% of prisoners come from fatherless homes and fatherless children are: 1) […]