I often quote the famous Edward Deci definition of motivation that states it’s “the energy for action.” Desiring something but not having the energy to do it is a common problem for both kids and adults. So, it follows that most people always blame lacking motivation for their lack of energy. Not having the motivation […]
One of the most fascinating things to examine as a mental skills coach is the mindset of someone who doesn’t like to run but chooses to run a marathon. Maybe it makes sense for someone who doesn’t enjoy running to suck it up and run a 5k or 10k to raise money for a cause […]
When you lack motivation to sustain the day-to-day grind of pursuing a goal, motivation is not your problem. Instead, you have a problem with commitment. As I wrote yesterday, the difference between motivation and commitment is that motivation is a feeling and commitment is a choice. Feelings come and go; choices are permanent until you […]