Yesterday, I listed “winning” as one of the values that demotivate children in my article on how to help kids become self-motivated. Obviously, there is nothing inherently wrong with winning. The problem comes from parents and coaches who over value winning. For example, in youth wrestling I have personally witnessed parents and coaches who demotivate […]
I write often about why parents should be careful about using extrinsic motivation shortcuts over developing intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is essentially self-motivation, while extrinsic motivation comes from carrot and stick bribes, rewards, and punishments. Research shows that self-motivated kids are happier and healthier than those who are motivated by carrot and stick tactics. I […]
Two days ago I shared what I learned about building good habits. Writing 180 daily blog post in a row helped me learn that good habits form when you totally immerse yourself into an activity. I received some great feedback on what I wrote, and I stand by my observations 100%. However, in that blog […]