Are Your Children Motivated by Happiness or Satisfaction?

Happiness and satisfaction are two distinct things. This is according to research done by the winner of the 2002 Nobel Prize in economics, psychologist Daniel Kahneman. In a very good article in Quatrz Magazine covering Kahneman’s research they explain the difference like this: Happiness is a momentary experience that arises spontaneously and is fleeting. Meanwhile, […]

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The Difference Between Drive and Motivation and Why Parents Should Care

Today I found myself researching a rather fascinating topic…the difference between drive and motivation. To make a long story short, I could not find any scientific research that defined a difference. I could only find theories and opinions. However, there are some very well thought out theories and opinions out there. I recommend after reading […]

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The 4 Elements that Drive the Development of Self-Motivation

Yesterday I wrote about the moment when self-motivation takes over in an young athletes life. In order for this moment to come, there are four elements that must first exist. One or more goals A strong desire to achieve those goals One or more sacrifices that when made moves one closer to achieve those goals […]

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