External motivation could be anything from yelling or physical punishment to offering monetary rewards or treats. Pushing children with external motivation is an all too common parenting technique. One that I also rely on far too often just as other parents. However, there are two main reasons why parents must work harder to rely less […]
I’m one of those people who can really appreciate a good motivational speech. In fact, I keep a steady rotation of motivational speeches playing nearly every single day. By far, my favorite speaker is Dr. Eric Thomas. Unquestionably, “ET” has a gift that allows him to fire up even the laziest person on earth. However, […]
One of the people I follow on Twitter who’s tweets I enjoy most is author Nir Eyal. I recently wrote several articles about his book Indistractable. Unquestionably, Eyal is a sharp guy worth following. With this in mind, it’s no surprise that this morning one of his tweets immediately caught my eye. It was a […]