I believe that the best indicator that you’re ready to accomplish a long term goal is when you consistently keep promises to yourself. It’s very easy to quit on yourself. Much easier than quitting when someone important to you is counting on you. This is why your toughest competition in life is the person in […]
It’s hard to accomplish a long term goal. It takes patience, passion, and discipline. I usually define a long term goal as a goal that takes 4 years or more. For example, getting a college degree. Most people have a desire to accomplish a long term goal. From the time most of us were in […]
A goal progression is the process of moving gradually towards a more advanced state. A great example of a progression is the process of developing the ability to do a handstand push-up. An uninformed person would just attempt a handstand push-up on day one. Then think they could just keep attempting to execute this advanced […]