It’s easy to see an opportunity and choose to wait to act on it because you assume you have time. It’s also easy to experience failure and just assume you’ll eventually learn from it just because that’s what people say happens. However, the truth is you will miss out on most opportunities and won’t learn […]
In sports, seeing is believing. What’s more, belief leads to effort and this combination is what trains self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is the mindset of how one controls their destiny. Renowned psychologist Albert Bandura in his preeminent book on the topic defines self-efficacy as the exercise of control over things that affect one’s life. Correspondingly, the first […]
Losing is extremely motivating for some athletes. The moment after they lose these athletes are already making plans to work harder and work smarter to do whatever it takes to never lose that way again. On the other hand, some athletes sulk after losing. These athletes allow losses to stagnate them for several days, if […]