A few days ago I made the proclamation that real entrepreneurs don’t quit. So what do you do as an entrepreneur when you feel like quitting? The first question you should ask yourself is — can you get a job working for someone else and still be happy? If the answer is yes, then you […]
A real entrepreneur will never quit. Quit on a business model, sure. Quit on an idea, maybe. Quit on an industry, possibly. But flat out quit, never! I’m sharing this after reading a motivational email from an entrepreneur friend. His email shared some very encouraging words about survival as a bootstrapping entrepreneur. In short, my takeaway […]
What defines a great entrepreneur? This is a very subjective question. Thus, I’m answering it from the perspective of what I aspire to one day represent as a great entrepreneur. With that said, here are the top 5 qualities I think a great entrepreneur must have: 1. Problem solver 2. The ability to build a […]