Recently I started a deep dive into a book called The Inner Athlete by Robert M. Nideffer, Ph.D. The tag line for this book is Mind Plus Muscle For Winning. So as you could imagine, this book is dense in content focusing on the mental side of sports. One of the concepts the author covers […]
Failure is not part of the process, failure is the process. It’s a fact that before you can succeed you must fail. All people who are in pursuit of difficult goals, especially athletes and entrepreneurs, must acknowledge this. Failure cannot be a bad word. With this in mind, the first step to remove the fear […]
Finding out how to achieve the mental state of flow in sports is the question I sought to answer 2 months ago to the day. On that day I received my copy of Flow in Sports: The keys to optimal experiences and performances by Susan A. Jackson and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. As I started the book, […]