Many smart people have said this many times, many different ways. Working hard to develop physical skills is nothing more than an entrance fee for success is sports. The typical elite athlete wins because of their mental edge, not because of their physical edge. Case in point, NFL quarterback Russell Wilson. Today, published a […]
Jordan Burroughs is the greatest American freestyle wrestler of this generation. He is an Olympic wrestling champion, a 4x world champion, and recently just won his 8th world medal in total. Not only is wrestling the world’s oldest and greatest sport, it’s also the hardest. Undoubtedly, it’s safe to say he knows a little something […]
I’m a firm believer that confidence is the primary building block for every aspect of mental toughness and resilience. Without confidence, a human is just a shell of their true self. As a result, I write often about confidence as can be seen here. Each time I come across research or a helpful nugget of […]