Faking being rich when you’re poor can be detrimental. Going into debt, living above your means, stressing yourself out to keep up with the Joneses. Not a good idea. This is one case where faking it until you make it is silly. In addition, faking confidence when you are nervous or faking courage when you […]
The truth about great athletes is that they are not great at everything. Great athletes have the uncanny ability to focus on what’s important, invest in their strengths, and manage their weaknesses so they don’t get in the way. Author Geoff Colvin provides a great example of this using NFL all-time great Jerry Rice. In […]
Athletes who are sore losers and perfectionist have a greater risk of burning out than others. Sore losers and perfectionists feel they must win 100% of the time. This sets them up for major disappointment and possibly depression at some point in their life. A research study done at the University of Alberta by sport […]