What Separates Winners From Everyone Else

Winning one time doesn’t make you a winner. What makes a winner a winner is winning a lot, especially when it counts. Furthermore, there are many ways to win, but there is only one way to be a winner. That is by having winning behaviors. What separates winners from everyone else is nothing complex. It […]

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Counterpoint: If Iron Sharpens Iron, Then It’s Best To Own Some Iron

As Proverbs 27:17 states, iron sharpens iron. This is by far one of the most quoted bible verses in all of sports. This is because it’s a fact that to be the best you must test yourself against the best. However, there is a counterpoint to this thinking I believe goes ignored far too often. […]

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One Percenter Athletes Do What 99 Percenters Neglect

99% of athletes do enough to enjoy sports and compete on whatever level they feel comfortable. Average athletes go to practice and that’s it. Above average athletes do extra work to improve. Good athletes have self-motivation and use that self-motivation as the drive to achieve progressively harder goals. Unquestionably, this covers 99% of all athletes. […]

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