Athletes and entrepreneurs are remarkably similar. Both require specialized skills, and advancing in both require the ability to continually jump skill levels. In addition, only the top 1% reach elite levels in both. In other words, many try, most fail. Correspondingly, there are far more failures than success stories in both, but this does not […]
I would never lie to you and say I know the secret to parenting successful young athletes. First, it’s definitely not one single thing that makes the secret a secret. It’s more like a secret sauce with multiple ingredients that inevitably change with every family and every child. Furthermore, even though I could never tell […]
Just because an athlete makes a physical error repeatedly, doesn’t mean that they are having a physical problem. Likewise, just because an athlete makes a mental error, doesn’t mean their issue is with the mental side of sports. The reality is that mental errors are often the result of physical limitations and physical errors are […]