If you read this blog often, then you know I’m a big advocate of goal setting. I have two cornerstone beliefs about goals: Goal progression must be used for difficult and long term goals. The process must be the goal and the goal must be the compass. If you buy-in to those two beliefs, then […]
Setting goals can be fun. Sometimes too fun. Thinking and dreaming big feels amazing. For example, take a second and think about the things you would do if you won a multi-million dollar lottery. Just thinking about being free to do whatever you want with a million dollars provides a joyful adrenaline rush. This type […]
There is a common misconception that youth sports builds character in children. This simply is not true. Youth sports reveals character, parents and coaches build character. This is nowhere more evident than in seeing the number of professional athletes who have severe character flaws. Most if not all of these athletes played youth sports from […]