If There Was a Secret for Controlling Confidence, This Would Be It

When it comes to performing to your potential, the experts all agree on one thing. Control what you can control, and don’t dwell on the things you can’t. Confidence is one of those things under your control. Headed into any event that requires peak performance, it’s always worth it to take time to improve your […]

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Questions to Assess How Confident an Athlete is Feeling

Confidence has a major impact on performance. Confidence, or lack thereof often creates a self-fulfilling prophecy. As the classic Henry Ford quote states: If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right. Furthermore, confidence is one of the 4 areas you must proactively build for mental toughness. […]

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Is Assessing a Youth Athlete’s Personality Type Going too Far?

The last few days I have made the case for two things regarding assessing an athlete’s personality type: Parents and coaches must work together to identify the personality traits in young athletes. Then use this information to tailor methods to develop their self-motivation. Today, I received some feedback from a reader that this was going too […]

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