Three Basic Steps to Help a Young Athlete Who Lacks Confidence

There are three basic steps to help a young athlete who lacks confidence. Step 1: Assess The Source of their Lack of Confidence In step one, start by assessing what causes their lack of confidence. You can use these 9 questions below as a starting point: Preparation: Do you lack confidence in your preparation from training […]

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Strengths Based Coaching is the Key To Optimizing Your Child’s Potential

It’s a fact that a person’s true potential is impossible to know. It’s also a fact that the longer, harder, and more focus you put into improving something, the more you will improve. Given that, optimizing potential is a product of one’s capacity to grind. By grind I mean toil for long hours with focus […]

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Having The Right Goals is Key to Finding the Right Processes for Success

Today my favorite daily blogger Seth Godin told a profound story on his blog about an escaped POW. It’s a 2 minute read that will be well worth the time. The moral of the story is that having an accurate compass is better than having an accurate map. This analogy immediately reminded me of two […]

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