If you are like me, you have big dreams for your children. You believe the sky is the limit. The only thing that can hold them back is their motivation to keep going as goals get progressively harder as they get older. Dream big, work hard, bounce back from failure, and keep pursuing bigger goals. […]
Categorizing people into personality types is a controversial topic. First, there is no standard categorization. Second, most people don’t fit neatly into one category. Finally, there is a wide belief that personality types vary by culture and there is no comprehensive cross-cultural agreement on personality traits. With that said, nearly all professionals who study this […]
Two weeks ago I wrote about the rising levels of depression among children. Research shows that one of the best things a parent can do to reduce this risk of depression is to raise resilient kids. I believe getting both girls and boys to participate in youth wrestling is the perfect way to achieve this. […]