The Difference Between Motivation and Commitment

Motivation is the energy to act. Self-motivation is when that energy to act comes from within instead of from an external source. The problem most of us have with self-motivation is when we want something but don’t have the energy within to act on that desire. So, we then lean on extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is […]

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Once You Realize Hard Work is Not Enough Use This Mindset

I always try to make it clear to my clients that although working your hardest is important, it’s not the most important thing. In other words, you are still doing the bare minimum when you are working your hardest. While that’s a sobering thought, it’s simply a fact. As I wrote earlier this week, there […]

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When You Work Your Hardest for the First Time and Fail

Some people learn to work hard from a young age. For these people nothing has ever come easy and working hard is the only way to survive. Other people get by in life on cruise control. These people typically start with some natural advantage that allows them to give average effort and still get above […]

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