All coaches set goals for their team. Great coaches make goal setting a priority. In other words, most coaches don’t make goal setting a priority. Instead, goal setting is an afterthought. It’s something that’s done just to check the box. When this happens, athletes miss out on most of the benefits of setting goals. On […]
Goal setting is less effective when all an athlete’s goals are based on achieving things they don’t control. These are typically ego goals dealing with winning, titles, rankings, and fame. These goals can provide motivation in the short-term, but that’s it. What’s really needed are task goals athlete’s control. Goals like sets and reps, routine […]
When you lack motivation to sustain the day-to-day grind of pursuing a goal, motivation is not your problem. Instead, you have a problem with commitment. As I wrote yesterday, the difference between motivation and commitment is that motivation is a feeling and commitment is a choice. Feelings come and go; choices are permanent until you […]