How Elite Athletes Make Decisions

Elite athletes are elite not by birth, but by behavior. In other words, what separates elite athletes from everyone else are decisions. When to practice, what to practice, and how to practice are among many other decisions that make them elite. Moreover, to replicate the success of an elite athlete, the details of the decisions […]

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The Critical Difference Between Belief and Faith and Why it Matters

The difference between belief and faith is minor, but the mindset shift this difference causes is major. Moreover, your mindset dictates how you live your life. So, choosing to live by belief instead of faith or vice versa will have a major impact on your behavior. Consequently, a big part of developing self-awareness is understanding […]

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Counterpoint: You Don’t Need Motivation

I often quote the famous Edward Deci definition of motivation that states it’s “the energy for action.” Desiring something but not having the energy to do it is a common problem for both kids and adults. So, it follows that most people always blame lacking motivation for their lack of energy. Not having the motivation […]

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