How Athletes Can Leverage Visualization to Help Them Get Better

Every athlete, regardless of sport, can leverage visualization techniques to help them get better. Visualization is a form of mental rehearsal where an athlete creates a moment of performance in their mind scripted to address the skills they need to be at their best. Sometimes a visualization practice is a factual re-creation of a previous […]

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Recognizing When Potential is a Problem

When someone says you have a lot of potential, it’s not necessarily a complement. As a matter of fact, it could mean just the opposite. If you’re a beginner at something, having potential is great. On the other hand, if you have experience doing something for a relatively long time and still haven’t reached your […]

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Raising Confident Children Doesn’t Work How You Think

One of the biggest misconceptions about raising confident children is that you can speak it into existence. While I’m a big proponent of the “words matter” school of thought as well as an advocate of positive self-talk, there is a major caveat when it comes to confidence. Particularly, when it comes to raising confident children, […]

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