The Importance of Self-Fulfilling Prophecies to Coaches and Athletes

A self-fulfilling prophecy is the psychology of how group expectations become that group’s reality. In other words, when enough people expect something to happen their behavior changes in a way that makes it happen. Today, as I was glancing through my notes of the classic mindset book Mind Gym by Gary Mack, I was reminded […]

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The Mental Game of Defining Success

Defining success for yourself is the ultimate mental game. Unquestionably, you are at your best when you feel successful. Moreover, whether you feel successful or not is a matter of how you define it. Therefore, the mental game you must win is defining success in a way that allows you to be at your best. […]

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Neuroscientists Give Coaches and Athletes a Five-Week Mindfulness Protocol

There are a lot of claims about the benefits of mindfulness in sports without hard evidence to back it up. So, I can understand why many coaches and athletes are skeptical about adding mindfulness training to their already busy practice schedules. However, I highly recommend coaches and athletes take note of recent research published in […]

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