How Extraordinary People Become Extraordinary

It’s often the case that the best answer is the simplest answer. When it comes to extraordinary people, the answer to how they became extraordinary follows this pattern, it’s simple. The late, great sports psychologist and bestselling author of the classic book Mind Gym, Gary Mack says it best: Extraordinary people live their lives backward. They […]

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The Best Way for a Coach to Help Athletes Focus on the Process

To help athletes focus on the process, coaches must teach them that the path to success is to control the controllables and not to worry about things that are uncontrollable. Correspondingly, the process is controllable, and the outcome is uncontrollable. Underachievers are the ones who give control of their successes and failures to uncontrollable factors. […]

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Managing and Mastering Moments of Weakness

You experience a moment of weakness when you feel pain, fear, fatigue, boredom, temptation, adversity, or trauma. It’s in these moments when you are most susceptible to forming bad habits. Therefore, if you can learn to manage these moments, you can prevent yourself from letting a moment of weakness turn into a moment of regret. […]

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