The Solution to the Problem of Lacking Passion

Most people have many interests but aren’t necessarily passionate about any one thing. While it’s true that some people are naturally passionate about things, this is the exception not the rule. More often than not, lacking passion is the main problem holding people back from reaching their potential. The reason for this is because when […]

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Immediately Help Your Child Improve by Doing 3 Simple Things Better

Unquestionably, you’re reading this because you want to help your child improve in school, sports, or in other extracurricular activities. If you are anything like me, a catchy headline like this is enough to tempt you to dive into every detail of your child’s performance to figure out a new hack to help them get […]

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Aggregating Marginal Gains as a Process to Get Better

Marginal gains are tiny amounts of progress. When you aggregate tiny amounts of progress over time, major improvements happen. At first glance the idea of aggregating marginal gains appears to mirror the idea of progressions. However, although they both provide a process for getting better, the process for each is different. A progression is the […]

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