Overcoming Analysis Paralysis When Pursuing Your Dreams

Overcoming Analysis Paralysis When Pursuing Your Dreams

What makes your dreams your dreams are that they’re a product of your imagination. That is, you almost can’t comprehend the idea of what it takes to achieve that dream or what it will be like once you achieve that dream. If you could, then it wouldn’t be a dream it would just be a goal.

With that said, the fact that dreams are so big is what causes most people to have analysis paralysis. Analysis paralysis is just a pithy way of describing how one overthinks a problem to the point where they do nothing. Unquestionably, doing nothing is a prolific dream killer.

To overcome analysis paralysis, you must start where your dream started, in your imagination. While your imagination helped you create your dream, it’s your lack of imagination that is causing your analysis paralysis. Specifically, analysis paralysis starts when you can’t imagine what you must do differently to get from where you are now to where you want to be. Therefore, the first step you must take to overcome analysis paralysis is to break this imagination barrier.

Breaking this barrier requires moving beyond the limitations of your mind. To do this you must have in-depth conversations with people who have achieved a dream similar to yours. If you can’t find someone to talk to directly, then you must learn everything possible about these people through research. While research is not preferred, it’s better than nothing. But without doubt, talking to someone directly is the best option.

Either way, this is how you start. You must learn the steps others took to achieve a dream like yours and use that to break down your dream into steps you can visualize yourself achieving. This is the best way to overcome analysis paralysis.

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