Understanding Why Most People Never Reach Most of Their Goals
It’s a fact that most people fail to achieve most of their goals. Everything from New Year’s resolutions to fitness and sports goals to financial goals. It doesn’t matter the type of goal; the common thread is that most people never reach most of their goals. Why is this?
Indeed, it’s impossible for me to know all the numerous reasons why most people don’t reach most of their goals. However, I do know for sure there is one mindset above all that’s the primary cause of failure. Lacking confidence!
Yes, that’s it. When someone doesn’t have confidence in their heart of hearts, they don’t believe they deserve to achieve a goal. Therefore, as the famous quote often attributed to Henry Ford reminds us:
Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.
It’s simply a fact that not having confidence is a prolific goal killer. Moreover, lacking confidence is usually the result of one of two failures.
- Failure to create a step-by-step plan that maps out a clear path to achieving a goal.
- Failure to make the necessary sacrifices required for achieving a goal.
On the other hand, when someone does both things, there’s absolutely no reason why they would lack the confidence to achieve their goals. Furthermore, doing these two things to build confidence is 100% under one’s control.
So, if you ever lack confidence in the pursuit of a goal, you must remember that this mindset is completely unnecessary, and you have complete control over changing it. Furthermore, you must change this mindset if you really want what you say you want.