The Behaviors of a Self-Motivated Athlete
When an athlete has self-motivation this triggers something deep inside that urges them to progressively pursue harder goals. These type of athletes stand out.
Self-motivated athletes do things other athletes neglect. They write down their goals, track their routines, hold themselves accountable, and seek help when they need additional support from a coach.
Self-motivated athletes have vivid dreams for their future that they can see clearly. In addition, they understand that hard work and not luck are what make dreams come true. Simultaneously, they use visualization techniques to train their minds to have faith that success is inevitable as they work hard towards their dreams each day.
Self-motivated athletes are hardcore believers in the philosophies of the growth mindset. Therefore, they thrive when pursuing difficult challenges and use failure to propel their growth. Moreover, any limitations in talent are seen as opportunities not liabilities.
Self-motivated athletes understand that it’s not about working smarter and it’s not about working harder. They know the only way to reach their goals is to both work smarter and harder. This means that self-motivated athletes have a strategic mindset. So, these athletes not only work hard, they work hard by doing the right things the right way.
In short, self-motivation is the drive to complete an activity for only the satisfaction gained in doing the activity. Self-motivated athletes get that satisfaction from planning and executing their process not talking about their dreams for the future. This is what separates these athletes from all others.