A Thank You to All the Youth Sports Parents
Parents of young athletes can’t catch a break. They are constantly being blamed for all the things that are wrong in youth sports. However, few moments are spent thanking them for all the things that are right in youth sports.
The truth is, there are far more good parents than there are bad parents. Unfortunately, it’s the bad parents get all the spotlight. Yet, without good parents there would be no youth sports at all.
How many clubs are run by parents whose kids have outgrown youth sports, yet they stay for the love of the game? More than you would know. One of the best youth coaches I know is a friend who coaches youth wrestling whose son is in high school. He could have easily retired from his volunteer youth coaching gig when his son aged out. But he not only loves wrestling he loves the look in the eyes when elementary-age kids fall in love with wrestling too. He’s not alone either.
Team moms and dads who volunteer to bring snacks, run carpools, plan banquets, and send countless emails and text are priceless. Youth sports could not exist without these parents who are the salt of the earth. Let me be the first to say they don’t get enough credit and deserve reverence.
Sports in the United States is roughly a half trillion-dollar industry. As it continues to grow, there is no sign of it slowing down. Travel teams, gear, training, ticket prices, and viewing subscriptions all continue to increase in cost each year. Undoubtedly, without the love of sports that starts between parent and child, this industry would implode.