‘Behavior’ Is the Simplest Way to Explain a Winning Mindset

‘Behavior’ Is the Simplest Way to Explain a Winning Mindset

Too often mindset and mental skills coaching is viewed as too complex for the average athlete. The truth is, it’s very simple. It’s about creating a winning mindset and developing the mental skills to sustain that winning mindset over the long-term. Moreover, the simplest way to help an athlete develop a winning mindset is to focus on their behavior.

Why? Because you can easily define the behavior patterns of winners in general. You can also easily define the behavior routines that specific winners in specific sports consistently follow. The reason why this is important is because when you can identify patterns and routines you can also identify repeatable behaviors to model.

To put it another way, a winning mindset comes down to repeating the behaviors that help you win. It’s not complex at all. What’s more, the behaviors that help you win can be found by studying the behavior of winners.

The challenge is that winners are willing to do things that losers aren’t willing to do. So those who have the mindset to behave like a winner understand that their behaviors are the only thing that separates them from everyone else. It’s not talent, it’s not luck, it’s not meditating or deep breathing or some complex visualization technique either. All these things help. However, none of that matters if you don’t consistently repeat the behaviors that help you win.

Simply stated, a winning mindset is one that focuses the vast majority of brain cycles on repeating winning behaviors. That’s it.

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