The Biggest Mistake Beginners Make When Practicing Anything

The Biggest Mistake Beginners Make When Practicing Anything

From the time the average child reaches 1st grade, at some point or another they learn that practice makes perfect. This is ingrained so much into most kids that eventually perfect becomes their measurement of success. Even as they are beginning to learn a brand-new skill, the primary goal is perfection. This is a mistake.

The truth is that practice does not make perfect. Instead, only perfect practice makes perfect, and the possibility of perfect practice is practically zero.

Therefore, while it’s ok to strive for perfection, you must never make perfection the measurement of success. The only measurement of success that a beginner needs to worry about is progress, not perfection. In addition, beginners must understand the process they are using to make progress, so they know how to repeat that process.

Ultimately, it’s knowing this repeatable process to make progress that marks the true success of moving from a beginner to someone with experience.

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