The Secret Sauce of Behavior Change Needs the Reframing Mental Skill

The Secret Sauce of Behavior Change Needs the Reframing Mental Skill

Before anyone commits to making a behavior change, they are going to make judgements on two variables.

  1. How difficult is the change I must make to get the results I want?
  2. How long will it take before I get that result?

Subsequently, there are four possible categories of logic:

  1. Easy change with immediate results. Commitment will be high.
  2. Easy change with delayed results. Commitment will be high initially but will need a system of reinforcement.
  3. Hard change with immediate results. Commitment will be high if motivation for result is high.
  4. Hard change with delayed results. Will not commit.

With this in mind, to begin the process of behavior change one must start with how they frame the change to be in category 1, 2, or 3. If someone judges a change as a category 4 change, then that person will likely fail to change. Unfortunately, however, most behavior changes that provide significant benefits are category 4 changes.

Therefore, the ability to reframe a behavior change from category 4 to another category is ultimately the secret sauce for behavior change. Reframing is a mental skill that helps change how one judges the logic around a situation, which in turn changes their perception. When someone changes their perception of a situation, they can change their emotions. Ultimately, reframing emotions is how you move someone from category 4 to category 1, 2, or 3.

Reframing is a process that starts with an individual’s current state of thinking. Moreover, it’s not something most people can do alone. It’s human nature to trap oneself in thought loops and keep replaying the same thoughts over and over. Consequently, it’s important for anyone who is serious about a behavior change to get a third-party to coach them through this process of reframing a category 4 behavior change.

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