Counterpoint: Achieving Your Goals Will Not Change Your Life

Counterpoint: Achieving Your Goals Will Not Change Your Life

Take a moment and think about the most important goal you want to achieve. Now, imagine if you could press a button and achieve that goal instantaneously.

This is the equivalent of winning the lottery. This would change your day, your week, your month, and your year, but this would not change your life.  Multiple studies show that about 70% of all lottery winners end up going broke.

Winning the lottery changes your circumstances, however it does not change you. The fact remains that you are the same person after any moment of instantaneous success.

Therefore, it’s not achieving goals that changes your life it’s the process of pursuing a goal that drives the change. You can’t find one study that shows a pattern of rich people who go broke after working hard over decades to earn their money. Unquestionably, the process of learning how to get rich is more valuable than being rich.

Just as in sports, the experience of competing to win is more valuable than the trophy or medal you may get from winning. If it were any different trophy engraving companies would be on every corner.

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