Counterpoint: Preventing Failure Will Not Make You Successful

Counterpoint: Preventing Failure Will Not Make You Successful

You can go through life with a mindset of trying to prevent failure or with a mindset of trying to pursue success.

The mindset of trying to prevent failure is one that focuses on threats. It causes you to constantly analyze your weaknesses and find ways to keep your weaknesses from causing you to fail.

The mindset of trying to pursue success is one that focuses on opportunities. It causes you to constantly work on maximizing your strengths and find ways to use your strengths as the foundation of your success.

If you find yourself constantly thinking about your weaknesses, ask yourself this. What life do you want to live? Will preventing a failure get you to that life? Or does that life require you to pursue an opportunity with enthusiasm and persistence?

For most people, the latter is true. Therefore, it’s best to stop overthinking your weaknesses. Instead, focus on creating a plan to invest in your strengths so you can achieve the success you’re capable of achieving.

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