Counterpoint: Fear is Not A Problem, Fear is A Solution

Counterpoint: Fear is Not A Problem, Fear is A Solution

It’s a mistake to think fear is bad. To have fear is to be human and there is no shame in being afraid. In fact, fear is a fantastic trigger to remind you to put your mental skills to work to reframe your mindset.

  • If you have a fear of losing or a fear of failure, then you’re in an ego oriented mindset. You can use this as a trigger to practice process thinking. Work on setting task goals, using intrinsic motivation, and applying progressions to your short-term plans.
  • If you fear something is dangerous, you’re in a threat mindset. You can use this as a trigger to practice mental toughness. Work on reframing the threat into a challenge, using breathing techniques to control your heart rate, and applying the neutral thinking process.
  • If you fear the unknown, you’re in an external locus of control mindset. You can use this as a trigger to practice focus. Work on separating out the things you control from the things you don’t control. Then put all your energy into getting the best out of those things you control.

To conclude, everyone has fear but everyone doesn’t have courage. Moreover, you need courage to overcome the obstacles in the way of your goals. So, if you want to be a person of courage then you must not treat fear as a problem and instead use fear as a solution.

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