What Separates People Who Achieve Their Goals from Everyone Else

What Separates People Who Achieve Their Goals from Everyone Else

Contrary to popular belief, what separates people who achieve their goals from everyone else is NOT that they want it more than other people. It’s easy to say someone is a millionaire and you’re not because they wanted it more. But this is not true. There are many people who are millionaires who never set a goal to be a millionaire.

Achieving a goal has little to do with how bad you want an outcome. Instead, it’s far more about how much you embrace the process.

I talk about process often. However, sometimes my explanations are too academic. So, let me keep it simple. Process boils down to your behavior. Moreover, behavior is what separates people who achieve their goals from everyone else.

Therefore, you will only reach a goal if your behavior represents what it takes to reach that goal. This means that your behavior must be your goal, not the outcome of the behavior.

If you don’t know what behaviors represent what it takes to reach the outcome you want, then you probably won’t achieve that outcome until you do. If you do know the behaviors but continuously choose not to behave that way, then stop kidding yourself. The outcome you want will be unrealistic until you change your behavior.

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