When Struggling with a Goal Don’t Forget the #1 Goal of Setting Goals

When Struggling with a Goal Don’t Forget the #1 Goal of Setting Goals

Have you ever set a goal to eat less unhealthy food or just eat less and instead you do the opposite? It happens all the time to people. The fact that your goal requires you to sacrifice something you like causes you to think about that thing all the time. Consequently, it becomes exceedingly difficult to fight the thoughts that test your will power all day long. At some point, it’s normal to give in as you wear down.

This is a classic example of a bad goal setting process…

While this may sound redundant and obvious, it must be said. The #1 goal of setting a goal is to increase your chance of reaching that goal. If you set a goal that does the opposite, then you must rethink your process of setting goals.

Case in point is a goal setting process that is focused on sacrificing. Yes, sacrificing something you want for something you want more is normal. However, making that sacrifice the primary process for achieving a goal is counterproductive. This is the mindset of fixing weaknesses instead of building upon strengths. It’s far more likely you will achieve a goal when you focus on using your strengths instead of trying to fix a weakness.

Keep this in mind the next time you think you need to center a goal on the process of sacrificing.

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