How to Get Better at Anything Using Two Simple Techniques

How to Get Better at Anything Using Two Simple Techniques

We all wish there was a shortcut for getting better, but there just isn’t. However, just because there are no shortcuts doesn’t mean there aren’t techniques that make the process of getting better more efficient. I know for a fact two techniques in particular that will help you get better at almost anything.

1) MVC

The first technique is a minimum viable change or MVC. An MVC is a change that slightly pushes you out of your comfort zone. For example, if you can only do 10 pull-ups right now the MVC may involve using a pull-up assist band. You would do your normal 10 pull-ups, then strap on the pull-up assist band and do as many more as you can to burnout. This is a small change that won’t take much effort if you are already doing pull-ups on a regular basis. Pull-up assist bands don’t cost much money and they are easy to use. This is why it’s a perfect candidate for an MVC.

Once the MVC becomes part of your process, it then leads to the second technique.

2) Progression

The second technique for getting better at almost anything is a progression. A progression is the process of gradually doing more as you pursue progress towards a goal. So, continuing with the pull-up example from the MVC, the first step in the progression is to increase from doing 10 pull-ups without assistance to 11. You will still use the pull-up assist band MVC to do a burn out set once you reach your unassisted max, but you will also use the progression to periodically increase your unassisted max goal.

Unquestionably, using these two techniques in tandem creates the momentum you need to continuously get better. Over time your MVC will change and the size of each step in your progression will fluctuate up and down as well. However, the basic concept stays the same as long as you want to keep getting better.

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