How to Execute a Comeback
There is a pattern that emerges in almost all comeback stories. This pattern emerges out of the process of applying metacognition techniques. Metacognition is when you think about how you think and then use what you learn to improve your thinking. Simply stated, this means not only learning from failure, but applying what you learn to improve.
I wrote about this in an article covering recent research from Patricia Chen, Ph.D. on the strategic mindset. Her research shows how those with a strategic mindset make more progress towards their goals than everyone else. Ultimately, it’s the metacognition behaviors those with the strategic mindset use that form the basic pattern that almost all comeback stories follow.
What’s more, there are two behavior patterns that specifically make a comeback possible.
- Identifying the behaviors that caused the need for a comeback
- Changing those behaviors in ways that drive improvements that can be monitored
This is simple and simple usually works best. If you can just learn from and apply the learning from your mistakes, you can comeback from anything.