Famous John Wooden Quote Provides Stark Reminder about the Cost of Success

Famous John Wooden Quote Provides Stark Reminder about the Cost of Success

Nearly everyone has some type of goal related to being successful. When it comes to goal setting, what really is the alternative? Success is the universal end state.

While on the one hand it’s sad that most never reach this end state, on the other hand most aren’t truly prepared for what success really means. Success is not all roses and rainbows. There is a cost to success most people ignore until it’s time to pay that cost. John Wooden was well aware of this and has a famous quote that provides a warning to all who seek the glory that success brings. Wooden states:

The more “successful” you are, the higher and higher the expectations become, the more suspicious people are of you, and the more criticism you receive.

The fact is success is lonely. Even though more people may know you, your inner circle will shrink. Success, just like many things in life, has its limitations. Let Wooden’s words be a reminder that you must find happiness in places other than the pursuit of success.

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