Mindset Training Sounds Complicated, But It’s Not

Mindset Training Sounds Complicated, But It’s Not

Mindset training is not as complicated as it sounds. As I wrote yesterday, there are 5 elements that define your mindset. The last of these elements, which is the culmination of the other four, is behavior. As a result, behavior is the ultimate measurement of your mindset.

The other four elements of mindset are thoughts, perceptions, emotions, and values. Mindset training is the process of shaping these four elements so your behaviors reflect what you want out of life. So the first step in mindset training is to know what you want. As it says in the Bible, write the vision and make it plain.

But as you know, it’s very easy to have a vision. However, the hard part is exhibiting the behaviors that reflect how to achieve that vision. Experiencing an internal conflict between what you say you want and what you actually do is painful. This internal conflict can lead to a loss of self-confidence or even worse, depression.

Therefore, the next step after knowing what you want is to identify what tools you have to get it, and then learning how to use those tools properly. These tools include your talents and strengths. Or to put it another way, everyone needs a specific type of fuel to drive their motivation. This fuel comes from tapping into the natural tendencies that makes an individual tick. When an individual taps into this fuel, they can achieve more with less internal conflict.

Once this information is known, you use it to work on changing your thoughts, perceptions, emotions, and values to better reflect what you want out of life. But you don’t try to boil the ocean. Instead, focus on the minimum viable change you can make while still making a difference, and make that the daily goal. Then using a goal progression, you steadily advance towards exhibiting the behaviors that reflect what you want out of life.

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