The Difference Between Those Who Succeed and Those who Fail

The Difference Between Those Who Succeed and Those who Fail

More often than not, the difference between those who succeed and those who fail is persistence. Persistence is repeatedly pursuing a course of action with the same energy in spite of obstacles and setbacks. When persistent you stick with the process come hell or high water because you believe the process is the goal.

When someone is not persistent, they give up when facing obstacles and setbacks allowing their process to fade into obscurity. Those who defeat obstacles and setbacks use persistence to maintain their process until they overcome the adversity and emerge successful.

Unfortunately however, the adversity one experiences when facing obstacles and setbacks is not something that one overcomes only once. The fact is, adversity is seasonal. It comes and goes in perpetuity. As a result, success is a journey not a destination and therefore requires consistent persistence to obtain consistent success.

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