The First Step To Earning Your Right to Deserve a Goal
The primary cause for people not reaching their goals is that they don’t believe they deserve it. People don’t believe they deserve it because they don’t have a realistic plan to get from where they are now to where they need to be to achieve their goal. They may have an idea for a plan, but an idea for a plan is not enough. An idea for a plan requires multiple elements of luck to execute successfully, and depending on luck is not enough to earn the right to deserve a goal.
To go from an idea for a plan to a real plan requires a step by step process for execution. It’s in the creation of this step by step process where the struggle begins. It’s often overwhelming, especially when one doesn’t have a coach or mentor who encourages and shows the way. So the question one must answer is what to do when you have no plan, no coach, and no mentor?
When You Have No Plan, No Coach, and No Mentor Start With Your Minimum Viable Change
This is why I’m an advocate of starting all goal pursuit plans with the Minimum Viable Change concept or MVC for short. A MVC is the smallest possible change you can make while still making a difference. This change must have at least three characteristics:
- Easy to execute
- Impactful in some type of visible or measurable way
- Builds momentum
It must be easy to execute so that you remove any and all excuses stopping you from starting. It must be measurable so you can know if you’re making progress and how fast or slow progress is taking. Then finally it must build momentum so over time the speed of progress increases and in turn your motivation to stick with executing the MVC also increases.
When you work to find and execute a MVC instead of planning analysis paralysis, you take the first step to earning the right to deserving a goal. After this first step, creating the next steps in the plan to keep moving forward towards your goal is much easier.