The Anatomy of a Comeback Story

The Anatomy of a Comeback Story

Everybody loves a comeback story. There is nothing like it. However, in order for a comeback story to be a comeback story, the story must start with a tragedy, misfortune, or at least a minor setback. This starting point is hard, and not everyone is able to get through it. This fact is what makes comeback stories so compelling.

It’s at this point of tragedy, misfortune, or minor setback when the hero of the comeback experiences their first moment of doubt. The hero faces a fork in the road to either choose to quit or keep going. Many choose to quit. But the hero is only overcome by a split second of weakness that opens up the option to quit, then they choose otherwise.

It’s in this moment where doubt changes to hope. At this moment of hope, the hero can visualize the comeback. The hero accepts the facts that led to this moment, and recognizes that what doesn’t kill them makes them stronger. Despite the past, a comeback is still within reach as the hero knows they are in control of their destiny.

From that moment forward the hero snatches victory from the jaws of defeat.

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