The Only Proven Way to Get Better Faster
I wish I could tell you there was a shortcut for getting better, but I can’t. There is only one proven way I know for sure that will help anyone get better faster and it isn’t a shortcut. It comes down to one critical character trait, CONSISTENCY.
Not being consistent once a year, once a month, once a week or even 5 days a week. If you want to get better faster you must be consistent every single day. This is why I am a huge believer in daily goals.
Daily goals give you 365 days a year to practice getting better. If you only do something once a week, you only get 52 chances to practice each year. Five times a week, 260 chances. If you do something only monthly, you can forget about getting better since 12 practice days per year won’t do anything.
You can do the math, this isn’t calculus. The more you practice, the more days you can prepare to get better faster.
I know at this point you’re probably thinking that not everything done daily can speed the time to mastery. However, odds are there is at least one thing in everyone’s life they can level up using a daily routine. The trick is to find that one thing.