How to Never Let A Bad Day Go to Waste

How to Never Let A Bad Day Go to Waste

I have a confession to make. Last night I stayed up to 4 am binge watching a show by myself. I didn’t wake up until after 10 am this morning. I was the last one in my house to roll out of bed and I felt awful.

The first thought out of my head as I rolled out of bed was this is going to be a bad day. Classic example of the type of negative thinking I’m trying to avoid. But I digress…

Now that it’s been 2.5 hours since I was ready to give up and concede my day as spilled milk, I’m in the midst of a comeback. Just like the saying goes, a minor setback is a setup for a major comeback. What’s more, waking up on the wrong side of the bed is the perfect example of a minor setback.

Strengthen the Muscle that Prevents Leaving Your Day to Chance

Be that as it may, coming back from a bad start to the day does not happen randomly. If you leave it to chance a bad day can easily snowball into a bad week. However, over the last 645 days in a row of me writing this daily blog without missing a single day, I have strengthened a muscle that prevents me from leaving my days to chance. Not only do I have a built in commitment to myself to write everyday, I also have 4 or 5 other daily commitments depending on the day.

These daily commitments are what I call my daily goals. Furthermore, my daily goals are a representation of the elements of measurable progress for my big goals.

When you have daily goals, and you commit to hitting those goals each day come hell or high water, it’s impossible for a bad day to go to waste. I’m living proof of this. Once I complete each of my daily goals today, I will vanquish that initial negative thought from the start of my day. Hitting publish on this article you’re reading will get me pass the halfway point. Then, on to my next mission.

In short, if you prioritize creating and executing daily goals, a bad day will never go to waste. The path to a daily goal starts with just sitting down and finding the elements of measurable progress for your big goals. Not necessarily an easy process, but it’s doable. If you would like to get help with this process in a series of one-on-one virtual coaching sessions, please contact me here.

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