Counterpoint: Potential Not A Good Indicator of Your Future Success

Counterpoint: Potential Not A Good Indicator of Your Future Success

Potential is having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something more in the future. To put it another way, potential is the existence of undone work. This is typical for someone just starting out. If you’re a beginner at something, of course you should have potential. However, what if you have experience and have been doing something for a relatively long time. Is having potential still a good thing?

I would argue probably not. If you have been toiling away at something for years and have seen others pass you by, your remaining potential is an indicator of a problem. The problem is either a lack of passion or a lack of resources.

If you have a lack of resources, then the next step is to stop working harder and start working smarter. On the other hand, if lacking passion is what’s keeping you from realizing your potential then it’s time to have a moment of truth with yourself. It’s time for some self-reflection.

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