One Percenter Athletes Do What 99 Percenters Neglect

One Percenter Athletes Do What 99 Percenters Neglect

99% of athletes do enough to enjoy sports and compete on whatever level they feel comfortable. Average athletes go to practice and that’s it. Above average athletes do extra work to improve. Good athletes have self-motivation and use that self-motivation as the drive to achieve progressively harder goals. Unquestionably, this covers 99% of all athletes.

However, that last 1% is doing this plus what the 99% neglects.

While the 99 percenters are only investing in their physical preparation, one percenter athletes are focusing on both physical and mental preparation.

One percenter athletes have visions for their future that they write down and review regularly. Simultaneously, they use visualization techniques to train their minds to believe success is inevitable.

One percenter athletes are hardcore believers in the growth mindset. Therefore, they thrive when pursuing difficult challenges and use failure to propel growth.

One percenter athletes spend almost as much time thinking about and planning their routines as they do training. They know that there is no right way to do the wrong thing and it’s better to work smarter than it is to work harder.

One percenter athletes understand that physical toughness requires mental toughness. As a result, they proactively build their mental muscles as part of their daily strength training routine.

Everyone knows you can’t be great without the physical tools. However, it’s a fact that being a physical specimen is not enough. If you want to be elite you have to be mentally sharp, psychologically savvy, and use fanatical focus to train your mind.

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