The Difference I seek To Make in Those I Coach

The Difference I seek To Make in Those I Coach

Some coaches coach for themselves. These coaches thrive on coaching winners, being at high profile events, and using their position to gain status. Others coaches coach to make a difference. These coaches thrive on changing lives for the better, building community, and helping those they coach find purpose.

I believe I fall into the second category. This doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy winning and coaching those in high profile situations, as I do. This just means the difference that I seek to make in those I coach outweighs those desires.

With that said, over the last two years I have methodically looked inward to understand what makes how I coach unique. It really comes down to a simple statement.

I seek to help those I coach learn to love the journey more than the destination.

As a result, my coaching style relies on:

  1. Building on strengths rather than fixing weaknesses.
  2. Motivating with innate motivation rather than using carrot and stick motivation

If these two things are done, joy is found even in the most difficult journeys. What’s more, if I can help someone love the process of going on a difficult journey, I can help that person achieve anything they want out of life.

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