What is Strengths Based Coaching and How it’s Put Into Action

What is Strengths Based Coaching and How it’s Put Into Action

Strengths based coaching is the key to optimizing your potential. Optimizing your potential comes down to doing the right things and doing those things right. Therefore, strengths based coaching is a combination of two things:

  1. Finding what those right things are based on the talents and gifts you were born with.
  2. Creating a plan to invest in those talents and gifts so that they become the strengths that enable you to achieve your goals the right way.

In addition, strengths based coaching builds upon one primary thesis above all else that psychologist Don Clifton, the originator of strengths based coaching, discovered in his research:

Managing weaknesses can prevent failure, but building strengths is what leads to success

How I Put Strengths Based Coaching into Action

I put strengths based coaching into action through my Mental Fitness Coaching Program. This program is designed to help those who participate pursue their purpose using their strengths, passions, and motivations over a 8 to 12 week process.

1) Explore Your Strengths

You’re at your best when you’re doing what you’re best at, and that’s using your strengths. Depending on the age of the participant, I will use one of the three methods below to identify strengths.

  1. For children under the age of 10, we use “Strengths Spotting” to observe your child’s talents by using the 4 categories of behavior clues.
  2. For children and teens ages 10-14 use the Clifton’s Youth Strengths Explorer, an assessment to identify areas where a child’s greatest potential for building strengths exists.
  3. Young adults and adults use the Clifton’s StrengthsFinder, an assessment that measures strengths using the 34 CliftonStrengths themes.

The results of these assessments serve as the foundation informing everything else done next.

2) Identify Your Passions that Drive Innate Self-Motivation

Once strengths are explored, the next step is to identify the passions and motivations that are innate or come effortlessly. Using a custom assessment, we will answer the following questions:

  • What activities or environments are you repeatedly drawn to or eager to try?
  • What new skills or activities do you pick up quickly and easily?
  • When are you most enthusiastic and fulfilled?
  • Which activities are you excited about doing again and again?
  • When do you become so engrossed that you seem to lose track of time?

3) Define the Vision, Goals and Action Items

In this final step, I will help you put pen to paper and map out a concrete plan.

  1. What’s the dream? Not some pie in the sky dream. A measurable, time-bound dream that you can work to achieve by checking off action items.
  2. How will you start small and scale? The fact is you can’t achieve your dream in one day, you must start small, develop a routine, execute daily, and let your small wins build into big wins.

If you are interested in finding out more about my strengths based coaching program, including cost and how to participate please contact me here.

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